Monday, December 6, 2010

Belief in God - It's Personal

I had originally intended to post today about my journey from "there" to "here."    However, apparently that is for another time because I am being led in another direction for today's post.  I am posting some youtube video's of a guy named Andy Stanley.  He is the son of a well known preacher named Charles Stanley.  Even during my most "christian-hating" days,  although I didn't agree at all with what Charles spoke about, his integrity did speak to me.  His son,  I heard for the first time this past Sunday on Charles Stanley's In Touch broadcast (he was filling in for his father).  I really like him because he "speaks in plain language" and uses humor and current life scenarios/lingo without compromising the message.

I will say ahead of time that for some, it may take a bit of a commitment to stick through them.  Although he speaks in every day terms that is easy to understand, he does use scripture to make his points, but he does so effectively.    I post them here now because I REALLY WISH I would have had these video's to watch for myself prior to 4 weeks ago.   Even where I was at then, I would have been able to "hear" this message. It explains why, prior to now, there always seemed to be an internal tug of war going on in me. No matter how sure I was that I knew God, whenever I ran into something "Christian related", I would get defensive and resistant inside and the "rock solid foundation" of my beliefs would falter or tremble and I'd go into overtime to shore them back up again. But that all changed when God became Personal to me and I realized I wasn't struggling with "with myself" or "my beliefs" but rather with God Himself. That's what Andy talks about in these videos.    I really hope you give yourself the time to listen to them in their entirety.

With Love,

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